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7 Books [Finance, Growth and Marketing Edition] That Every Entrepreneur Should Read in Their Lifetime

In this post, I will be discussing 7 books that every entrepreneur should read at least once in their lives. For all of you, I’ve got the stack right here! Stay tuned, and let’s get started!

1) Blair Enns’ The Win Without Pitching Manifesto

Blair Enns' The Win Without Pitching Manifesto

Okay, everyone, I’m going to start this. Anyone in a service-based firm who wishes to price their products appropriately should check out this book by Blair Enns, which I’ve mentioned before. The manifesto’s name is The Win Without Pitching Manifesto.

You can read it in a few hours. Just an abundance of information. It will assist you in rethinking your procedure, how you offer, and how you place your goods so that they develop into high caliber, wealth-driven products that have an impact.

2) Russell Brunson’s DotCom Secrets

Russell Brunson's DotCom Secrets

The next item is DotCom Secrets, which I am sure you have already seen. This book is a treasure trove. Check out Russell Brunson’s DotCom Secrets if you want to sell physical things, digital products, or anything similar online.

Although I’m not a large fan of ClickFunnels because we develop the majority of our websites using Webflow custom, he is the creator of the platform, and the book is full of valuable information from it.

It even has email templates that you can use to build out your websites, elements for developing an alluring persona that people follow through on in terms of your purchasing process, great things like the value ladder—I mean, guys, this thing right here will change your entire perspective on how you provide products to your clients.

There are a lot of useful tips in this book, including evaluating items like this one. This book is a classic, and I’ve read it several times. If you want to seriously expand your business and offer things online.

3) Michael E. Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited

Michael E. Gerber's The E-Myth Revisited

I’ll go on to The E-Myth next. The E-Myth is a significant, major, major key if you’re wanting to establish processes or scale your business in order to sell it one day. It discusses standard operating procedures (SOPs) and how to set up a management system for your company.

Additionally, it discusses establishing an organizational structure for your team within the confines of your company. When it comes to this, Michael E. Gerber is a genius—he created an entire curriculum around this little book. You all need to read it, use it, and put it into action.

4) Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Work Week

Tim Ferriss' The 4-Hour Work Week

Next up—and, of course, I know you all know this one—is Tim Ferriss’s The 4-Hour Work Week, a genuine classic. I know it has been discussed frequently. My entire outlook on business, outsourcing work, teamwork, remote work, and creating systems and processes that genuinely help you create and scale your efforts was completely altered by this book.

The 4-Hour Work Week has all the information you need to start a digital-based business, whether you’re generating items, licensing products, or both. Look into it. This book is a major, major key, so if you haven’t read it, I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under.

5) Tiffany Aliche’s Get Good With Money

Tiffany Aliche's Get Good With Money

We don’t like to talk about money when it comes to being an entrepreneur, but we must. This book covers every topic. Get Good With Money, written by Tiffany Aliche, was published a year or two ago, I believe.

When I say that this book will alter the way you think about money, I mean that it is a master class on how to establish a solid financial base for yourself so you can create wealth for future generations.

Everything is covered in this book, from mortgage debt to picking assets and allocating a diversified portfolio to retirement money to starting a business that will support and finance your other ideas.

I cannot express how highly I suggest this; it is a master lesson. This book does an excellent job of being approachable and simple for the end user, making it one of maybe three that you need in terms of financial literacy.

Check this out, everyone.

6) Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First

Mike Michalowicz's Profit First

Next, we have Profit First, which is certainly among my top three all-time favorites. This book is now something I always turn to in order to make sure I understand and can apply it to my business. But Profit First will alter everyone’s lives.

This book teaches the fundamentals, such as how to run a small, successful company without becoming a behemoth or monolith and how to succeed in your agency or business without conforming to these industry “norms” by paying yourself first, making sure that all of that money is put to use on projects that will advance the company, and taking care of everything else.

The book now explains how to set up your accounts, allocate percentages to particular accounts, and actually expand your business organically rather than rushing in and spending everything you have to in order to build it up.

Your entire perspective will shift after reading this book, as you can see from the tabs I’ve put up here. Check it out anyhow; it’s a timeless, outstanding book that will assist in making your company profit-ready for the future.

7) Alex Hormozi’s $100M Offers

Alex Hormozi's $100M Offers

And finally, I must review this book by my friend Alex Hormozi before bidding you farewell. I learned about this book through my friend Ryan, another agency owner, and I have to warn you all: this book is nuts.

It’s a fairly quick read, and you can even buy it on Amazon for a few dollars. A digital version is available. However, $100M Offers is simply a fantastic approach to position your products so that customers want to make an immediate purchase.

As you can see, there are many worksheets in this resource and everything is just very simple to use. Alex just does a great job of making this really approachable in his process. Even though the book is quite brief, I had to get a physical copy since I wanted to be able to make notes and edits in it.

But in the end, it explains how to sell, what to offer, how to sell online, how to position your product so that people will buy it, price to value disparity, someone selling, group selling—it really covers everything. You’ll likely consider this to be among the best books you’ve read recently.


Alright, that’s all for today, I’ll see you all next time.